Dubai Cares Launches ‘Gaza In Our Hearts’ Campaign

Laiba Amir
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Dubai Cares has launched the ‘Gaza In Our Hearts’ Ramadan fundraising campaign in partnership with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, seeking to raise funds for emergency relief efforts, including the provision of essential supplies such as meals, food baskets, and waterproof, fire-resistant tents to the affected population.

Aligned with Anera (American Near East Refugee Aid), Dubai Cares aims to leverage strategic partnerships to facilitate the urgent delivery of life-saving aid to Gaza.CEO and Vice-Chairman of Dubai Cares Dr. Tariq Al Gurg emphasizes the urgency of the situation and the need for collective action and responsibility in response to the crisis. Through the ‘Gaza In Our Hearts’ campaign, Dubai Cares aims to instill hope, resilience, and dignity within the UAE community.

President and CEO of Anera Sean C. Carroll discussed the role of community support in facilitating aid delivery. With the backing of the UAE community and the strategic partnership with Dubai Cares, Anera has already delivered nearly 20 million meals in Gaza since October 7. Anera aims to deliver at least five million more meals during Ramadan, providing vital sustenance to those in need.

As of February 2024, the humanitarian situation in Gaza remains dire, with over 1.7 million people displaced, and a staggering number of casualties reported since October 7, 2023. The destruction of schools and infrastructure further exacerbates the challenges faced by the population.

Dubai Cares offers multiple avenues for donations, including SMS contributions, online donations through their website and crowdfunding platform, as well as bank deposits or cheque payments. Every contribution, regardless of size, plays a crucial role in providing essential aid to the people of Gaza.

In parallel, recent events at Toshka Cafeteria in Abu Dhabi serve as a stark reminder of the importance of food safety. The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) took decisive action to address repeated violations, including rodent and insect infestation, underscoring the commitment to upholding food safety standards and ensuring public health.

As we unite in support of the ‘Gaza In Our Hearts’ campaign, let us continue to show our efforts to humanitarian action. Through this, we can make the path toward a brighter, more resilient future for Gaza.



Laiba Amir

UAE news and diplomacy through the eyes of an expat living in Dubai for 15 years.